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Freshman Year Experience (FYEX 1112)

Freshmen Year Experience (FYEX 1112) is a 3-credit elective course which provides an introduction to the university and its resources. In FYE, you will clarify your college and career goals, receive guidance to establish a major, discover which methods help you learn most effectively, create new friendships, and learn about all the resources NMSU has to offer. FYE emphasizes development of academic and personal skills that enable freshmen to become successful students of NMSU. The FYE course includes:

Student Learning outcomes (SLO):

  1. Describe and navigate campus resources to achieve academic and social success
  2. Enhance intellectual development, student agency, empowerment and self-direction
  3. Foster both peer and faculty relationship to create a networking system of support
  4. Explore knowledge and practice of collaborative and teambuilding learning principles
  5. Develop skills of critical thinking, information literacy, time-management and other college success strategies
  6. Assess talents, interests and skills to aid in the selection of academic major and career choice
  7. Examine personal values, goals, and educational experience
  8. Explain what is meant by diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice
FYEX 1112 is co-taught by a junior or senior, who shares advice and hard-earned experiential knowledge for becoming successful at NMSU. To find out more about FYE, contact First Year Initiatives.

Important Dates

Full Term 16 -Weeks   (January 15 - May 9, 2025)

  • January 15 — Classes begin
  • January 16 — Last day to add (without instructor’s signature)
  • January 27 — Last day to add (with instructor’s signature)
  • January 31 — Last Day to Drop a Course without a “W” (100% refund)
  • February 13 — Last Day to Withdraw from a Single Course with a “W”
  • May 9 — Last Day of Classes

Freshman Year Experience (UNIV 150)

Frequently Asked Questions


Does the class count toward my degree?

FYEX 1112 is an elective course, which means it contributes to the total number of required and earned credits for graduation.

What is the homework load like?

FYEX 1112 homework consists of practical activities designed to help you learn which study skills work the best for you. The homework load is not excessive or overly challenging; however, your performance in the course is dependent upon your regular attendance and completion of all assignments and activities.

Does this course affect my GPA?

Yes, this course has the same weight and effect on your cumulative GPA that any other 3-credit course would, such as Government 110G or Music 101G. In addition, many students who have taken FYEX 1112 say this class helped them maintain a higher semester GPA and perform better in their more difficult classes.

I was an excellent student in high school. How will this course benefit me?

FYEX 1112 addresses many issues affecting freshmen in their first semester. This course is designed to familiarize you with all the resources at NMSU for students, help you become part of the university community, provide a forum to discuss the challenges of being at university, and set goals for future career or education plans. In addition to the instructor, the class is co-taught by a junior or senior, who will share advice specific to succeeding at NMSU.

First-Year Students Reflect on College Experience

Learning During a Pandemic


My Advice for Freshman

Lead the Aggie Way as a Peer Educator